NYC Car Accident Lawyer's Advice

By Harvey L. Fredette 23 Jul, 2018

We've all been on the highways when a big rig truck comes streaming by. Not only can they look huge as they bear down upon you in the fast lane, they can also cause drivers of smaller cars to become extremely nervous when they make quick lane changes or cut people off. You've got to realize that trucking companies offer their drivers incentives for getting a delivery to its final destination on time or even earlier than expected. In order to win these incentives, drivers often stay up all night, use stimulants or take other unnecessary shortcuts that can result in truck accident injury cases for the other drivers on the road.


There are a variety of different truck accident injury situations that can occur on the road, and it's important that you discuss anything that's happened to you with a qualified attorney that will be able to help you determine whether or not you are entitled to financial compensation from the trucking company. Never let a driver or company representative tell you that you were the cause of a truck hitting your car or driving you off the road. They should employ drivers that can handle the rig in any type of a road situation, and you are not responsible for their lack of experience.


Colliding with an eighteen wheeler truck is a terrifying situation, and you might not remember everything that happened in the moments before a crash. If you or one of your loved ones had to be given medical treatment because of a crash with a semi truck, you should know that they driver and the company that they are representing must be held responsible, and a qualified attorney is the only one that can help you make sure that happens. Don't ever feel like you must shoulder the burden of your truck accident injury alone.


All motorists in the United States are required to carry automobile insurance. Assuming that your accident was with a law abiding citizen, their automobile insurance should cover the damages to your vehicle as well as your medical bills. Even if you are in a no fault state, these costs will be picked up by your own insurance. What no insurance will pick up though are the costs of the other implications of your truck accident injury. Lost wages, pain and suffering and loss of the ability to engage in your favorite activities aren't covered. In order to recoup these damages, you must hire a lawyer.


An experienced New York truck accident lawyer will have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of laws, regulations, and technical issues that don’t arise in most personal injury cases. Some examples include:


  • Federal regulations regarding truck driver safety standards, including hours in service restrictions
  • Federal regulations regarding commercial vehicle safety, including maintenance requirements, safe loading procedures, weight limitations, and more
  • The sometimes-complicated liability issues associated with the independent-owner model employed by many trucking companies
  • Appropriate experts to assist with investigation and reconstruction in large commercial vehicle accident cases


A good New York truck accident lawyer or New York personal injury lawyer will help you put together a case that will increase your chances of being awarded a settlement that will cover your injuries. If you are no longer able to work because of your injuries, your lawyer will make sure that the monetary compensation that you are asking for will be substantial enough to cover your expenses. Many firms will take your case on a contingency basis, so that you can hold on to the money that you do have.


If you have suffered a truck accident injury, it is imperative that you hire a New York truck accident lawyer with experience handling this type of claim. Your injuries may entitle you to a substantial settlement, and that settlement may allow you to keep you home, keep your car and keep your savings. Although a court settlement will never restore the loss that you have experienced, it can help to deal with lost wages, medical bills, and physical therapy costs that can't be covered by your insurance. Don't feel like you are being left to plead your case to the trucking companies and insurance companies alone, contact an experienced New York personal injury attorney today. Find out whether or not you are eligible for compensation that will allow you to keep the things that are important to you and your family.

By Harvey L. Fredette 18 Jul, 2018

All around the world, everyday many patients visit hospitals for treatments. And almost everyday there are some case of medical negligence that are reported. Medical carelessness can be best explained as some faux pas in the treatment provided and because of this below standard handling of patient, there is either an injury or death of the patient.


It is sometimes seen in hospitals that due to their negligence there is further damage caused in the already existing soft tissue injury. This results in further ache, swelling, redness, and volatility. Sometimes, this happens during some operations and surgeries the patients have an unnatural death. And in such cases, the injured party is lawfully allowed to take legal action. These claims generally come under personal injury law.


Although, the doctors are guided to take proper precautions and are provided with proper guidelines yet carelessness occurs when medical professionals do not stick on to those principles. This happens due to reckless or flawed actions. And this causes both economic and non-economic damages.


Once suffered a medical negligence, the victim can claim both for monetary and non-monetary loses. Not only can the plaintiff can ask for compensation for his fiscal losses like loss of pay, his medical and legal expenses but also for his physical and psychological damages like loss of eye sight or any harm in bones, muscles or ligaments.


It has to be kept in mind, that unlike other claims, medical negligence is not a means to be used by those who are displeased with the services of the hospital or doctor. It cannot be used normally because the physician was not able to heal a particular disease. Anyone who files for a compensation for any such negligence must have experienced some injury due to health related carelessness of the hospital or doctor. You also have to show that the cause of your wound and damage is the poor treatment and aid given to you.


Insufficient expertise, care, or use of wrong equipment can be a cause of such alleges.

And any one from doctors to nurses to specialists who are responsible for the damaged condition of the patient can be held legally responsible and accountable for medical negligence. In fact, the medical amenities that have an important role can also be held responsible for the spoiled conditions.


Although, that the cases of medical negligence can be heard in a court and legal actions can be taken against the guilty, but it is also important to know that such claims do not, always result in unlawful trial. However, once the defendant or the party is found culpable, it may be subjected to a range of professional penalties. They might face a life time suspension from practice or their professional permits may be cancelled. They might also be in charge of the financial compensation of victims.


If you or a loved one has also been an unfortunate victim of medical malpractice, you can file a lawsuit against the doctor or hospital in order to receive compensation. Your New York personal injury lawyer will help to prove negligence on the doctor or hospital’s part. Contact a NYC personal injury attorney  at 800-510-969 today to discuss your concerns regarding any medical treatment you have received, and find out if you have a justifiable case for a claim.

By Harvey L. Fredette 05 Jul, 2018

Have you been subjected to injuries duly caused by another person, company or any other entity? Any cause of injury physical or psychological due to another person's wrongdoing should not be ignored by you. Employ an experienced New York personal injury attorney and get a chance to win back your self esteem. Although you might never recover from a fatal injury but by employing an attorney you will at least regain your monetary loss. So the next time you are out for a leisurely ride on your motorcycle and incur an injury, take advantage of services offered by New York car accident attorney. If you encounter an accident in New York be sure to get hold of an attorney and recover the money lost on car damages. A personal injury lawyer practices tort law (civil wrongs that are recognized by the court of law). There are various responsibilities of a lawyer who practices this type of law such as:


  • Paperwork: the filing of important legal documents in order to register a case or contest for a case related to personal injury is carried out by a plaintiff lawyer.
  • Legal advice: lawyers offer helpful legal advice to their client which is beneficial for contesting a case against your wrong doer.
  • Interview and evaluate: the lawyer interviews his clients and evaluates their cases; he determines the legal points which will prove favorable for the defendant's case.
  • Prepare an argument: the argument that a lawyer presents in the court of law defines the defendant's chances of recuperating his physical as well as psychological loss.
  • Procure proof: a lawyer however proficient linguistically cannot substantiate his claims unless he has proof that refers to the negligence of the accused. If the proof remains vague or has no bearing on the case the defendant will not be able to recover any compensation from the accused.
  • Compensation: This is largely the main motive of building a personal injury case by a plaintiff lawyer. The amount of compensation asked by the defendant is set after a rigorous amount of research done by the lawyer and agreed upon by the defendant and his family.
  • Up to date information: If your lawyer is incompetent or has no information about changing laws nor any idea about prevalent law cases and their results then your chances of winning your stated case is negligent. A lawyer must always keep himself updated about the prior mentioned information.


Trust and Rapport with Your NYC Personal Injury Attorney

Ability and experience are key, but it’s also important that you are comfortable with and have faith in your New York injury attorney. You are entrusting the lawyer with a very important matter, and you must have confidence in his or her ability and commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for you.


As your free consultation progresses, take note of:


  • Whether the attorney listens to your questions and concerns
  • Whether the attorney is able and willing to provide you with clear answers and explanations
  • Whether you feel comfortable asking questions or asking for clarification
  • Whether you feel that the attorney is invested in helping you


Having the right advocate at your side can make a difficult time less stressful and help to secure the compensation you need to rebuild and move forward. Invest the time and consideration necessary to choose the best NYC injury lawyer for you.

By Harvey L. Fredette 21 Jun, 2018

Health is wealth. When you are not feeling well, the most common thing to do other than self-medicate is to consult your doctor or any health care practitioner. Your health care professional is your companion to achieving the optimum health possible. It is a goal that everyone aspires. Health is really a wealth that is why you are doing everything just to reach that objective. But, what if that one you trusted to help you realize that dream is the one you will put your life in danger. The person whom you entrusted your life with is the same person who will put you in serious risk because of a medical malpractice and negligence.


The damages brought by this unprofessional act that is unbecoming of a medical provider professional, is traumatic to the patient and the significant others. The mental, physical and financial effects could be debilitating both literally and figuratively. A victim of medical malpractice might suffer the loss of vital body parts, or experience post medication problems due to negligence by the health care provider which might pose yet another blow to the victims and family. The most devastating effect of medical malpractice is death. When any of these acts happen, the patient or the family (in case of patient’s death) deserves to receive a just compensation. It can only be done with the aid of a New York personal injury lawyer or medical malpractice lawyer.


If you are a victim of a medical malpractice, a NYC personal injury lawyer or medical malpractice lawyer will help you protect you rights and uphold them. There is no other expert in both fields of medical and legal profession but a medial malpractice lawyer alone. The responsibility of the medical malpractice lawyer is to see it that the culprit will be tried and paid his or her financial liability to the victim or the family members. The medical malpractice lawsuit proceeding may be long and tedious that victims might want to surrender because of the physical, mental and financial burden that the case has caused them. The medical malpractice lawyer will make sure that the patient will get a just and fair compensation that he or she deserves. The lawyer will suggest other than the compensation aspect, the best recourse in dealing with the case.


Medical malpractice lawyers will also help the victim in securing pertinent document and data that will be used as evidences in filing the case against the erring medical professional. The lawyer will analyze the merit of the case, taking into considerations the severity of the damage that impacted the victim.


If you feel that your doctor has gone out of the medical standards in delivering health care service that is endangering your health and putting you at risk. A medical malpractice lawyer can help you file a case.


Health is really a wealth; there is no doubt about it. The effects of a medical malpractice could be draining your wealth, but with a medical malpractice lawyer by your side taking back that wealth at least the financial aspect, is not a burden after all.

Contact today online or by telephone at 800-510-9695 to speak with experienced New York personal injury attorney or malpractice attorneys.

By Harvey L. Fredette 11 Jun, 2018

A person having burn injuries go through an experience that is nerve racking. Burn injuries are different than any other injuries. They leave more deep wounds and emotional trauma. Sometimes the scars may remain throughout the life. But the most important things that comes with severe burn injuries is that it results in medical bills that sometimes run with the life, leaving the survivors and his family in uncertainty. Sometimes the victim needs to go through multiple surgeries and even medical treatment for life!


There are some basic reasons that can cause burn accidents like electricity, heat, radiation, chemicals gases flammable clothes and explosion.


Burn injuries are often divided in three classes that are -


  • First degree burns - in this degree of burns only upper layer of the skin gets affected. 
  • Second degree burns - in this degree of burns upper layer of the skin effects more but unlike of the first degree of burns the skin gets blisters and start oozing. 
  • Third degree burns - third degree burns are the most dangerous and devastating and life threatening burns that may cause permanent disfigurement destroying all the nervous systems. When the wounds heal they leave deep scarring, however in this condition plastic surgery or skin grafting can be done.


What Should Be The First Aid Given To A Burn Survivor?


For first and second degree burns:


  • Pour cool Water (not cold): never pour cold water or ice on the wounds. Always pour cool water for at least 10 to 15 minutes or cool it with cool compress. By doing so the burning sensation and swelling can be reduced. 
  • Cover with gauze bandage: don't use feathery cotton it may get stick, use sterile gauze bandage and cover the wound and blisters loosely avoid pressure on burned skin. Bandage will keep the air off that will reduce pain and protect blisters. 
  • Pain killers: if pain is beyond tolerance then some medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin can be taken. Always take advice to the doctor before giving these medicines to the children.


For Third Degree Burns:


Immediately seek or call for medical help. If the person's clothes are burning and stick to his or her body don't try to remove them. Cover him with a blanket, jacket or towel and roll him on the ground.Remove jwellery or any metal before swelling.Do not put ice water as it may cause to decrease the body temperature at a dangerous level.Do not put oil, ointments or home remedies.Try to elevate the burned part above the level of the heart but if it increases pain and discomfort don't do this.Don't give anything to eat to the burn survivor as it may cause of vomiting later.


If burn incidents are due to the negligence of others then you should consider about compensation and for this you may need a New York personal injury attorney or burn injury attorney. Burn injury lawyers have formed associations which includes best healthcare professionals are provide world-class treatment.


Contact today at 800-510-9695 or online to book your consultation some of the best New York personal injury lawyers.

By Harvey L. Fredette 05 Jun, 2018

There comes a time in life when you have to make grim decisions such as appointing a wrongful death attorney to avenge the death of your loved one or settle claims with an insurance company. Any sort of delay on your part can lead to unjust consequences. Manhattan wrongful death lawyer may be able to secure proof and present it in the court of law. This would affect your case adversely. We all understand the loss of a loved one and the need to grieve for that loss. However time is of essence for fighting such a case. You wouldn't want the guilty party to go scot free or live without the compensation that is due after the death of your beloved for family support.


Choosing the right Manhattan wrongful death lawyer is immensely important for building a strong case against your opponent. The pain of losing a loved one can cause a lot of suffering for the person who is left behind. However while you are grieving you can still help the other members of your family if you choose a competent New York injury attorney. Grief stricken people tend to ignore various attributes that should be present in a lawyer, indecision and lack of mental stability can drive them to choose the first attorney they come in contact with. They must look at the following attributes to make the right decision:


  • Experience
  • Competency
  • Affordability


These attributes hold true for any lawyer even a New York car accident attorney. Wrongful death can be a heart breaking affair for the family similarly a person hit by a vehicle can also cause a lot of trauma for the family members. If a person survives the vehicle hit he may have incurred injuries that would keep him in bed for a long time. This could hold him back from filing a court case thereby a family member must look for a competent lawyer to fight the case on behalf of the injured person. You can hire a New York car accident lawyer that deals exclusively in such cases or hire a practitioner that has knowledge of different aspects of law cases. By hiring a lawyer that is experienced in this field you can be assured that he will have extensive knowledge about such cases. Look for a lawyer that has won many cases in his career and takes no consultation fee. Don't think that all lawyers are expensive to hire some can be very generous and only take minimum percentage of the money you have won from your case.


Affordability is an issue that has plagued many clients of a lawyer however many lawyer in this day and age charge you fees after they have won their case for you.


New York injury attorney are experienced trial advocates who know how to counter the tactics the insurance companies use to limit or deny our clients’ compensation. Accident lawyers NYC will do everything in our power to help you obtain the justice and compensation you deserve after the death of your loved one.


Contact us today online or by telephone at 800-510-9695 to speak with one of our experienced New York Wrongful Death Lawyer.

By Harvey L. Fredette 28 May, 2018

Truck accidents cause serious injuries to the victim and sometimes it may also lead to permanent disability or wrongful death. If you are involved in such accident, you should immediately call for the help of a New York truck accident lawyer in your area. With the help of these you can easily win the case and get the justice for your case. There are many benefits of hiring these lawyers for the truck accident cases.


In these kinds of cases, most often the offender will be an employee of a company. In a car or motorcycle accident, the offender will be an individual. The laws and the procedures are not same for both these type of cases. Since truck accident cases require the expertise of a truck accident lawyer who has knowledge on all the laws and procedures involved in these cases. Most often in these cases, you will not get the compensation from the offender's insurance provider. You will get the insurance from the insurance provider of the employer. They may try to reduce the amount of insurance or neglect you from paying up the right amount of insurance. You need to hire a lawyer with years of experience in these types of cases since you may not have any idea regarding the insurance you can get for your medical expenses.


Sometimes the accident may also occur due to the malfunctioning of any of the parts of the truck. In such cases, you have to add the manufacturer of the truck in to you lawsuit. Also the manufacturer should be accused of the repaired parts such as brake, tires, engine etc. These kinds of works can only be done by the truck accident lawyer. You cannot expect this in lawyers who have expertise only over the personal injury or car accident cases.


Since the truck accidents involve huge damages to the victim than the car or motorcycle accidents, the compensation you have to quote should be higher than the amount quoted for normal cases. Truck accident lawyers will be ready to make such claims to the offender and get the maximum compensation for your loss. They should also get the compensation for your family members who are also involved in the accident.


When searching for accident lawyers NYC you should know about the history of these attorneys by looking over their previous cases. If you still not sure about the expertise of the lawyer, you can get feedback from their previous clients and find about them.


Well experienced with the laws and regulations regarding truck drives and safety in and around the city, a professional and knowledgeable New York truck accident lawyer can investigate the accident details thoroughly, and possibly prove negligence on the part of the truck driver or company in which the truck driver was employed. As a victim or relative of a victim involved in a truck-related accident, you are entitled to certain rights and compensation. Your lawyer can explain to you what types of compensation you may be entitled to (typically much more than an insurance company is willing to offer). Contact at (844) 469-5291 today if you need assistance.

Also read:  Situations in Which You Should File a Wrongful Death Suit

By Harvey L. Fredette 22 May, 2018

Accidents are unexpected occurrences in life. These are traumatic events that nobody wants to encounter. Because of the shock an accident causes, people tend to lose their ability to think correctly resulting to serious injuries, even death, to himself or to another party.


How can we overcome shock during or after an accident? Presence of mind is very vital in situations like this.


There are several kinds of accidents. Examples are vehicular accidents, industrial accidents and aerial accidents. Different accidents need different approach.


Car accident is an example of vehicular accidents, which claimed millions of lives and caused many people to suffer. Damages a car accident can cause include disability, emotional distress and permanent disfigurement. A lot of victims endure from injuries such as broken bone injuries, scar injuries, head and neck injuries, and nerve damage.


We cannot do much during an accident because it happens so fast that we are not able to control it. What is important is that we have to learn how we should behave after the incident and what actions we have to take. It will be hard for an injured person to think of the people or things around him. His only concern is the pain that he is feeling. In situations wherein you are still able to talk, walk and move without difficulty, you might as well do the following steps.


Ask or know the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the individuals involved in an accident. Car owners involved must secure car insurance. If there are witnesses in the area, ask for their names, addresses, and telephone numbers, too. Assist the police with the investigation, be cooperative. Take note of important visual information, like scratches and marks on the car and the weather condition. If you do not have pen or any writing materials, review the scene in your mind so that you can remember it. You have to tell the police exactly what happened. Take pictures of the cars involved in the accident. The picture must tell a detailed story. If you feel any pain or discomfort after the accident, consult a physician right away, or else it will raise questions whether the injury was caused by the accident or not.


Consult a New York car accident attorney before filling out any documents or giving your statement. Photograph wounds that heal quickly, you might need it during a case hearing or investigation. You also need a New York car accident lawyer to assist you in filling important papers, assist in court proceedings, and getting your claims.


If you or someone close to you has been involved in a vehicle accident and someone else is at fault, you deserve compensation for your losses. Contact today online at or by telephone at 800-510-9695 to speak with an experienced New York truck accident lawyer .

By Harvey L. Fredette 19 May, 2018
Understanding the legal process surrounding a personal injury case is important if you are filing one. Dealing with an injury is frustrating, and especially so when it was not your fault. Learn all you can about how the law applies to your injury case so you are better armed to get just compensation. Read these tips to help you get started.

Finding the right lawyer can be difficult for your personal injury case. That said; look for someone with lots of experience, specifically with personal injury cases. Knowledge is key to winning in court, so increased experience is never a bad thing.

Having a pre-existing condition does not automatically negate a personal injury claim. Discuss the situation honestly with your NYC personal injury lawyer. You don't want him to have any surprises when you are in the middle of a lawsuit.

When you're thinking of getting a lawyer for a personal injury case, you need to have a meeting with a few lawyers before selecting one. The first consultation is often free. This free meeting will allow you to have any questions answered and learn about their fees and policies upfront.

Look into how big the firm is prior to employing them. If you have a substantial claim, you will need a larger firm. However, if your case is relatively small, then your firm should be smaller so that you don't spend unnecessary money.

Be sure to document all matters related to your personal injury case so that you will be prepared for legal action. When you can't hold the camera, get help. Be sure to take these photos right away so they will show the injuries accurately.

Talk to your New York car accident lawyer about the possibility of settling out of court. This can save you the time and trouble of mounting a case. It can also save on court costs and eliminate the stress such a case can cause.

You needn't call your lawyer simply because you have a little discomfort after an accident. For the most part, a little pain is normal and usually goes away. If it's been a while and you're still experiencing the same problems, you must contact your attorney at that time.

You must know what policies are held by the defendant in a personal injury suit. There could be a claim against multiple policies. If they don't want to provide the information you need, you can get an affidavit that will make them.

Once you are injured, get legal help right away. If you wait too long, it may be too late. You need to talk to an attorney right away and inquire about deadlines before fully deciding whether to start a case.

You should always prepare yourself prior to speaking with your New York personal injury attorney . This is quite important in the event your lawyer is working on contingency. You're going to get good representation because the attorney wants to get paid, and you also get a break on the cash. Have all your ducks in a row, and know exactly how you are going to present your case.

Documentation is the best way to show that your injury is legitimate. This helps demonstrate the degree of the injuries and will only make your case stronger. Depending on how bad things are, you may be able to get a larger reward if you're dealing with a lot of suffering.

The legal complexities of personal injury cases are many. Reading these tips is just the first step. Now you have to put your knowledge into action. Knowing in advance what to expect is half the battle. The legal system does not have to cause undue stress and pressure.

By Harvey L. Fredette 14 May, 2018

Personal injury suits might seem straight-forward, however, they can become quite complicated, particularly if you've never dealt with one before. This is why you're going to need some assistance. 


Detail injuries as clearly as possible in writing. Explain every physical problem, be it a cut or a broken arm. Be sure to account for all related aches and bruises that don't show themselves until days following the injury. Keep your mental health into consideration, such as the ability to perform activities.


You may have a pre-existing condition; however, you are still eligible to receive compensation for accidents you might have had. Be honest about your previous injuries with your lawyer. There is nothing worse than the lawyer being surprised by them later on.


If you know any family members or co-workers who have been involved in a personal injury case, ask them for a recommendation. This will help you find the best lawyer. You owe it to yourself to get the very best attorney you can find.


See to it that you document the things that happen to you and take a lot of pictures of every angle possible. Have someone else take the photos if necessary. This should be done as quickly after the injury as possible for the most accurate photos.


Remember that when you hire a NYC personal injury attorney, you are in charge. You are paying, and you should be respected and given good customer service. If your lawyer brushes you off and doesn't respect you, fire him and find a New York injury attorney. If you have trouble getting a hold of the lawyer, you should look for another one.


If you are involved in a car accident or injury, take down the contact information of witnesses. The court proceeding may take some time, so your New York car accident attorney needs valid statements, as soon as possible, so that they can adequately prepare. People forget over time, or move away, so getting information immediately is one of the best ways to reach them in order for you to prevail.


Make sure you have an attorney hired before you correspond with any insurance claims adjuster or responsible party. You don't want to make statements that may be used against you in court.


It is important that you are not rushing things when selecting your Manhattan personal injury attorney . You need to have enough time to check out all of your available options. Going through your attorney options is very similar to selecting an automobile or a home. Stay away from new firms or lawyers who seem overconfident about their ability to win your case quickly.


Save any receipts related to your personal injury. You can use these items to show how much money you had to pay as a result of your injury. You cannot be compensated for money lost if you cannot prove it was spent on medical bills and things directly related to the personal injury you sustained.


Speak with a lawyer before providing any information to your insurance company. Sometimes insurance adjusters will request a statement or some information, only to use it against you during your case. Therefore, direct all calls to your attorney and answer no questions without your attorney present.


You need to know if your prospective New York personal injury attorney has trial experience. Some lawyers like to settle out of court and may not be the best people to hire if you think your case needs to go all the way to a judge. Don't sign on the dotted line until you know about your lawyer's experience. You will make the correct decision if you take the time to educate yourself.


A lawsuit concerning personal injury can be a difficult one. It is by no means impossible, though, as long as you are fully prepared for what to expect.

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